Pardalote Holt

Pardalote Holt
The centre of it all

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Crispy November

Still no significant rain and it gets ever drier with bushfires burning at Binna Burra in the rainforest, something that's not supposed to happen. These are worrying times, not helped by a Government led by climate science deniers.  We're relatively unscathed compared to Victoria, South Australia and New South Wales, but the number of bushfires in Queensland has been over a hundred and the smoke travels huge distances.  One has to wonder about the future with increasing heat and less and less moisture it's difficult to be optimistic.  The greatest tragedy is the loss of wildlife and every day there are pictures on the internet of animals being rescued, but how many have died.  We will never know, but it will surely make a massive dent in the already stressed populations.

On a cheerier note, we seem to be seeing a good number of juvenile birds at the Holt, especially amongst the Scarlet Honeyeaters.

Juvenile Scarlet Honeyeater

Adult female

Juvenile Scarlet Honeyeater investigating a cobweb

and being loud about it.

Adult  male at the Grevilleas.

The Firesprite Grevillea is definitely their favourite.

and onto the monthly bird sightings...

Regular (Seen daily)

Australian Magpie
Bar-shouldered Dove
Brown Honeyeater
Bush Turkey
Common Bronzewing
Double-barred Finch
King Parrot
Laughing Kookaburra
Little Corella
Magpie Lark
Noisy Friarbird
Noisy Miner
Olive-backed Oriole
Pacific Black Duck
Peaceful Dove
Pied Butcherbird
Pied Currawong
Plumed Whistling Duck
Rainbow Lorikeet

Mating dance of the Rainbow Lorikeet

Scarlet Honeyeater

Scarlet Honeyeater

Spangled Drongo
Sulphur Crested Cockatoo
Torresian Crow
White-throated Gerygone
White-throated Honeyeater

Common (Seen Weekly)

Common Mynah
Forest Kingfisher
Grey Shrike-Thrush
Magpie Lark
Yellow-rumped Thornbill

A shy Yellow-rumped Thornbill

Uncommon (Seen occasionally)

Black-faced Cuckoo Shrike
Brown Goshawk
Channel-billed Cuckoo
Little Friarbird
Pale-headed Rosella
Pheasant Coucal
Striated Pardalote

Striated Pardalote

Welcome Swallow
White-throated Treecreeper

Rare (Seen once)

Buff-rumped Thornbill
Common Koel
Pacific Baza
Scaly Breasted Lorikeet
White-bellied Cuckoo Shrike
White-headed Pigeon

White-headed Pigeon

Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo

Which is 51-species.  And your Aussie critter of the month is:

Image result for antechinus"
The Yellow-footed Antechinus

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