Pardalote Holt

Pardalote Holt
The centre of it all

Sunday, October 30, 2022

October and summer hastens toward us

 Its been getting warmer in Emerald but wetter too, much wetter than normal according to the locals. Over one weekend, apart from some pretty impressive lightening storms that had Tolkien shivering in the bed next to me, we had 240 ml in the weather gauge with similar amounts recorded around town. Now one could argue that this big splash of water will have affected my ollas experiment, and undoubtedly it did, but things dry out very quickly here and whilst other plants required daily watering the seedlings near the Ollas thrived.

The before shot

Add water
Add water
and about 5-weeks later...

The turnip seeds around the Ollas are looking healthy

and the Zucchinis are belting along

Unfortunately the Bitter Gourds didn't show at all, so I shall have to retry that experiment.

Emerald and its locale is continuing to throw up interesting birds and beasties for me to admire. This one caught me by surprise as I was about to do my dhobi (laundry for non-Marines) 

Larry the lizard

Interesting critter

I have been spending some time up on Fairbairn dam wall trying to improve my ariel photography which has been sort of fun and sort of frustrating,

Whistling Kite

Marbled Teal

Nankeen Kestrel

Whistling Kite

Gull-billed Tern


Nankeen Kestrel

Silver Gulls and a deceased Barramundi

A snack for an Australian Raven

An ancient Darter
A Black Kite

The Whistling Kite

Meanwhile, back at the house...

A gaggle of Apostlebirds

A cute Fairy Martin

The Singing Honeyeater

and a Crested Pigeon

and that's about it for now.

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